When you order items from an online merchant, most of them will provide you with a tracking number for your package to arrive at our warehouse. We ask that you enter that tracking number under your order on our website. This will not only save you money on your shipping costs, but also help us to register your package more quickly when it arrives. If you wish to track your package before it arrives at our warehouse, you should log into the corresponding courier (USPS, FedEx, UPS, DHL, etc.) and enter the tracking number provided by your merchant.
Once you have entered an order on the USA2Everywhere website, you can also track the status of your order. Under the My Account section of the website, you can select Track My Shipments to get a current status of where your package is at in the shipping process. There are several different status messages you may see about your package.
· Need Tracking # means that you have entered an order but have not yet provided us with the tracking number of the package.
· Awaiting Arrival US Warehouse means that we have your tracking information but the package has not yet arrived at our warehouse. Please keep in mind that there may be a 2-3 hour delay from the time your package is received (per the courier proof of delivery statement) at our warehouse and the time it is actually accepted under your account resulting in the change of package status to “Received in U.S. Warehouse”.
· Arrived at US Warehouse means that we have received your package and scanned it into our system, but it has not yet shipped out to your country.
· An In Transit to (local country) mean that the package has left our US warehouse and is on its way to your local country via air transportation.
· Arrived
(local country) means that the package
has cleared customs and is either available to you at Will Call, is out for
delivery or has been delivered to you. You can verify this further by selecting
the status and then selecting the tracking number provided. This will give a
more detailed explanation of where your package is currently at in the
Please note that if there are multiple packages listed under one of your shipments/orders, the status will only change once all of the packages in the order have the same status. For example, if you are expecting 2 packages under an order and we have received only one, your status will still show up as Awaiting Arrival US Warehouse until the second package arrives. To avoid this confusion, we suggest you enter your orders by packages (enter 1 order per package that will arrive to us).