There are very few merchants who will not provide you with a tracking number. However, if your package is shipped using a method that doesn't use a tracking number, you can still use our service. You will not be eligible for the $2.50 package handling discount that we offer for providing us a tracking number.
Because we will not have a tracking number to match your package to when we receive it, it is especially important that you provide us as much information as possible about your online merchant and the package contents. This will allow us to try to match the package to the correct order when it is received. If we are not able to do that, you will receive an email from us telling you that your package has been placed in Troubleshooting. This means we will not be able to ship your package until more information is received. At that point we ask that you log in to your account to provide the information we need about your order to match it to the package we receive or contact Customer Service with the additional information we may need.