Most online merchants will provide you with a courier tracking number once your item has shipped. We request that you enter this information under your USA2Everywhere account as soon as you receive it from the merchant and offer you a discounted price to do so. When you have supplied your tracking number, we are able to accept your packages into our system faster and more accurately. This allows us to keep our costs low (and yours) as well as to provide you with order status updates more quickly.
We need information about your purchase, such as product description and value, based on the regulations of U.S. Homeland Security, U.S. Customs and local destination Customs. Without this information we would be unable to export your purchases from the U.S. or import your purchases into your country. This information also helps provide a secure method of letting us know that it’s a package you ordered and not someone else using your account number. Finally, by having you provide this information electronically directly on our site, our costs our lowered which we pass on to you in lower shipping rates and a faster processing time for your order.