If you receive an error message when you try to process your credit card payment, we suggest you wait a few minutes and try again. Be sure you have entered all your information correctly and have fully completed the payment process.
If you receive an error message that references 'Transaction Not Allowed', this indicates that the card-issuing bank is declining the transaction for unspecified reasons. The response doesn't necessarily indicate that there is a problem with the bank; however, it does indicate that the bank won't approve this transaction.
Some possible reasons you are receiving this error message include:
1) Your card is over its limit.
2) Your card is flagged as potentially fraudulent / stolen.
3) The bank will not permit transactions from certain types of merchants on your card.
Ultimately, because the bank is choosing to decline this transaction when this error is returned, we recommend that you take one of two actions when your card is declined:
1) Contact the bank to determine why they are declining the transaction, or
2) Pay with another credit card.
Again, your card-issuing bank is the one declining your transaction. You will need to work with them directly in order to resolve this issue, or pay using another credit card. USA2Everywhere is unable to communicate with your bank to verify the reason they declined the card.
If you continue to receive an error message and you do not get the “Transaction Not Allowed Message”, you can contact us and we can verify if we are aware of any issues with the transaction. It is always helpful for us if you can confirm your account number, the time and date you attempted the transaction, and the specific error message you received.